We only ask you for the minimum information that we need in order to supply you with a professional service. The information you supply to us is treated as confidential. It is kept secure and is not shared or sold to outside organisations.
We use temporary 'session cookies' on this site to allow to 'remember' the items you put in your shopping basket and your progress through checkout. When you leave our site and close your browser, the browser deletes these cookies.
We also use anonymous web statistics to help us improve the way the site works and make it easy to navigate. The statistics are provided by Google Analytics which also uses cookies. This information is general in nature and completely anonymous. At the time of writing this, the Information Commissioners Office (responsible for enforcing cookie regulations in the UK), uses Google Analytics in the same way we do.
In June 15 we are running a trial with Cloud-IQ using cookies to identify shopping basket abandonment points on this website.
Data collected by this site is used to:
a. Take and fulfill customer orders
b. Improve the site and make it easier to use.
c. Deliver your order, we only disclose information to third-parties for goods delivery purposes
d. Unless 'unsubscribed' we may occasionally also contact customers about changes to our service, and items, news and offers of specific interest to travellers. These contacts are intended to be helpful and not a burden so they will be infrequent and never exceed one per month. Your details will not be abused, shared or sold to other organisations.